Thread: Whirligig World
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Old January 16th, 2004, 05:14 PM   #9
Shuttle Pilot
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Default Re: I hear you !

Great post Muffit!

Originally posted by antelope526
]I can see from your post your feeling of loss. I think you need to look at things another way. Your old friend (TOS) is still the young beautiful person you knew in your youth. Your friend never ages (although we do) and is there any day if you want to visit.

Your friend has a cousin who you never met but yet when he came to visit this December you saw someone who was similar yet somehow different. Some of us gave him a welcome because he was related to our old friend. Some of us heard bad things about him and never opened the door. Those of us who met him judged him on his own merits. Some of us didn't recognize a new friend in him and sent him on his way at the end of the visit. Others found him refreshing and fun in his own right. We took his number and invited him back. Hopefully for those of us who enjoyed his company we will meet him again.
Antelope, I think your proposed analogy is dramatically askew.

I see G2003 in the context of Muffit's poetry more like this:

Someone came to visit this December who had usurped your friend's identity. He used your friend's name, but the picture on his licence was not your friend. Some of us gave him a welcome for, ahem, various reasons. Some of us judged him on his own merits and either welcomed him or slammed the door in his face. Some of us recognized him as an imposter and never opened our door to him. Others found him refreshing and fun (in a morbid way?) in his own right and disregarded his indiscrections. They took his number and invited him back. And some of them have tried there hardest to prevent your friend from ever seeing the light of day to come forth and reclaim his self.

I ask, how fickle must one be who would spurn a friend in favour of a stranger who would try and assume his identity?
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