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Old December 28th, 2003, 10:23 PM   #43
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Originally posted by Michael Hinman
However, while I can agree to some point ... I can't completely do it.

The mini got about 3.6 million viewers, where another 2 million watched the first part when it reran on the second night. Then 4 million watched the second part.

Pretty damn good for an expanded cable television broadcast.
It all depends on how you look at it. They reran the first ep before the first airing of the second ep so those that liked the first could tell their friends and neighbours and whatever to watch the thing right thru.. clever trick, I might add.

But what counts to the money people are how many they can count on continuously watching a series. And it looks like they'd get anywhere between 1.5 and 2 Neilsen household rating.. if you assume they keep one half to two thirds the audience.. which I think is realistic but I could be wrong.. around Stargate numberts, I would think. Which is good.. not bad at all. But not enuff to jusitfy the cost to anyone that might fund it.. hence the problem getting funding.

And if they go with a cheap version.. they'll get even less of a viewership once those that watch it for the space battles and effects drop off.

It needs to be on regular braodcast TV to succeed, in my opinion. I honestly think ti would do 4-5 regularly on there. But that's not enuff to get interest going in a media that can churn out Survivors to no end.

But a series of movies would make a killing. And if they had Katee as Dirk's daughter or such to give some *reasonable* expalanation for her being Starbuck other than erasing the male womanizer character from BSg canon cos it's not politically correct nowadays.. I'd go see it. Katee's hot but political correctness makes me gag.. as I've said ad nauseum.

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