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Old November 10th, 2003, 06:38 PM   #8
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Originally posted by MMaola
This has blatant publicity stunt written all over it. The folks behind this potential lawsuit are working overtime to promote something. But I seriously doubt it has anything to do with the public or its right to know. From what has been stated in the above article, it sounds to me more likely that Sci-Fi has a new series in the works which crosses "The X-Files" with "Project: Blue Book" and adds a nice, healthy dose of "Ripley's Believe It or Not!".

I would rank merits and motivations behind this possible lawsuit somewhere between a perpetual motion machine and Big Foot. Theoretically, there is possibly evidence to support it; but, practically speaking, it is waaaaaaay out there in the super-boonies of reality.

From where I stand, this proposed legal action is nothing more than yet another frivolous lawsuit "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".

Then again, frivolous lawsuits do serve one group citizens. They keep lawyers employed and give money to the court coffers. And, hey, in this day and age with our current economy...? Maybe Sci-Fi, et al, ARE performing a public service (at least to one narrow segment thereof)...

Why would we want the lawyers making more money? :bash:
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