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Old December 31st, 2002, 08:06 PM   #14
BSG_Sci_FiPulse's Avatar

Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Manchester/England
Posts: 141


No they don't Capricorns with Scorpio riasing rule. My Father was a full blooded scorp and did not win an argument or a debate with me his entire life. But those debates were of great help to me.

Capricorns are the pragmatic ones of the zodiac. Which is why it was Adama and Apollo who led the fleet. Had a Scorpio been in comand we would not be having this conversation 25 years after the original show lol

Michael tell Richard hi for me lol. May well be knocking at his door in the new year. Am sort of savouring Ressurrection right now. Interesting ladys in cowls hey. Starbucks brain dead again. Which is scary because it only makes him vulnerable for a sex change.

In fact I have an article in mind which you all may like to run. I will get to work on it in the new year. Tracy may like to run something of it as a special thanks to Dirk for creating in my oppinion Galacticas most memorable character. I was a big Starbuck fan lol. I wanted all the women lol. But I grew up more like Apollo damn it. Lifes just not fair grrrr.

Happy new year all, it is 4 hours old here. And I know that those in the Eastern Time Zone will be celebrating in the next hour. So have fun.
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Yes I know it is a shameless plug but I am the one that has to live with it.
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