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Old October 10th, 2003, 10:27 PM   #20
You old war daggit!
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Yes if they didn't hear us by now they never will plus all Ron is going to say is that he hears what we have been saying and understands it but he had to do what he feels is right.

That's like me telling every one that comes to see my band play ( I understand that most of you want to hear a song that we could have learned but we had to learn songs that we feel you should listen to and like better. I don't know how Hollywood works but my band wouldn't be playing any clubs with that attitude.

Can you imagine if I got all the writes to the Eagles name and music, then changed the name of my band to the eagles, re-wrote all the same songs but changed the titles a bit and made them all speed metal tunes that have nothing to do with the original tunes. Would I be paying respect to what came before? I feel stupid even asking that question because of course I wouldn't.

Then if I opened up a web site and had a bboard with original eagle fans on it that have been posting on it for years about how they want the eagles to get back together , then this bboard gets visited by thrash metal fans saying give it a chance. You won't know till you listen and your close minded because you won't listen.

If your an easy listening eagle's fan and you won't listen to a new band with new members playing a type of music you know you hate then your close minded?

I really don't mean any disrespect to those that love thrash metal because I like it and the eagles but I wouldn't give any kind of a chance to a band that would call them selves the eagles and do this to classic songs. I respect the decision of those that would love it or give it a chance but I wouldn't and I would wonder why so many on one bboard were so determined to get me to listen to it when most people don't give a fig newton what others listen to or in Galactica's case, watch.

You see the thing is we are damned if we do and we are damned if we don't because if the fans Boo Ron More, then it will be said that the old die hards are ignorant with no manners and don't deserve nothing because of it.

If the fans say nothing and do nothing, then Bonnie Hammer spin doctors that into support from the Galactica fans at Galacticon. So what do the fans do?

I wish I was going to Galacticon for more reasons then one but If I was I would try to make sure everyone had a big bag of popcorn and have one person stand up and say, Ron you said if your show is not for us then our popcorn is in the other isle, well we have our popcorn and your right. It is in the other Isle and we are sorry but we have to do what we feel is right but no dis-respect because we wish you well.

It's one way to get the point across I guess .

Desanto and Larson, Larson and desanto.
Did you see that? I think the Giant just opened an eye.

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