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Old October 6th, 2003, 01:29 PM   #63
The 14th Colony
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Join Date: Feb 2003
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There were the 12 colonies of man.
Then, the lost 13th colony, Earth.
And then there are the faithful fans, the devoted ones patiently hoping for a continuation revival.

They are a colony all their own, the 14th Colony.
Mesa back to talk some more and bore, bore, bore! :p
I explained the top third and bottom third of my signature earlier, but now I should explain the newer middle third which ties in directly with my user name. The sig explians "14th Colony" perfectly as the loyal colony which ties in with the classic original series, the patient, hopeful fans who want nothing less than a revived continuation of the classic beloved series. And so I am the 14th Colony, and perhaps so are YOU. Warrior must have been inspired by my user name for he asked me (In the Battlestar Novels thread in the Feedback section) if he could use 14th Colony to name the fanfic section at Thus I am honored to have a section on the official board to be named after the concept of my user title. Pretty cool, huh? It makes me even more proud to be none other than the 14th Colony!
There may be only one God in heaven, but to a writer, we're gods of the worlds we create on paper.

If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a bowling ball...because that's how I roll.

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Last edited by The 14th Colony; December 17th, 2003 at 07:27 AM..
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