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Old August 30th, 2003, 11:08 PM   #1
Dancing Viper Queen
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Default Cross Post From Repcisg

Date: 08/30/2003
From: repcisg

Several mistakes were made at CF, these can in part be rectified but it will take time and patients to fully restore the place.

First of all too many moderators, too many of them new people. For the number of posts and posters one or two for the whole board should have been adequate. At one point it seemed half the board was monitoring the other half.

Second when the council the twelve was formed a new hidden forum was created, half the posters seemed to disappear the number of new intelligent posting dropped noticeably.

Creation of the Black Squadron, another hidden forum, no not the guys running around claiming they brought CF down.

Too many hidden forums too many people with power they did not know how to handle. With the inevitable political divisions that followed between those on the inside and those on the outside.

One really major point was missed by all, even Sci-Fi has taken this action. ALL forgot CF is owned by Don and not us, he invited us into HIS space. We became rowdy and disrespectful guests in HIS space. He did what I would do, throw everyone out. Sci-Fi did this by setting up a moderated board.

The thing is Fandom is about having fun celebrating a show or characters in a show that have brought us pleasure. It is not about fighting or attacking this or that person or business.

Remember we don’t own Battlestar Galactica, Universal Entertainment does.

There is no right fan, we are all fans.

We all have our own “personal” view of the Colonial universe, I noticed that way back in the beginnings of the SciFi board. There were very bitter remarks about those who did not agree the Colonials were on the verge of defeat. More bitter comments about how many Battlestars were at Cimtar, you can still get an argument on that one. And who cares, Larson didn’t care when he created the pilot, it was trivial bit of data that did nothing for the story. As the story goes a fan asked him if there were more than five Battlestars and he said, “Ah five? Sounds good, yea five.” So five became carved stone for many, and so? Five or twenty-five what does it matter.

So if you post at CF, CA, here or else where, be civil and polite, treat others the way you whish to be treated. When confronted by a toad, step back do not take it personally. Ignore the reply or post something that mirrors your opinion but does not directly address his.

Now I rambled on for a bit, time to do other things. My new Tillman arrived yesterday and I want work on it before I tumble into my rack.

Good night all.
I have my own little place, but it's okay. They know me here.
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