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Old July 15th, 2003, 09:42 PM   #8
zoom314's Avatar
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Well I'm alive, I have to use a Cane, but I'm alive. I'm 43, have Arthritis (Ankles click, stiff Knees, Shoulder Blades don't like cool places when laying down squirm squirm), Low performing thyroid (Inheirited from My Mother), Scared of Falling Down as It's Very painful and I'm still recovering from a fall of a week ago and that means that I can get down on one knee, But getting up is still very painful, Normally getting up off My Knees is easy for Me though, Concentration problems, Chronic Depression (Doctor thinks It's a side effect of My stupid Thyroid), 370lbs., Have a Tendency to Fall (I broke My Lower Left leg bones and now have 3 $18,000 Titanium screws in My Lower Left left bones and Lots of Scar Tissue there too) and a limp to boot. The Internet is where I'm at most of the time and I don't use the games that I installed at one time anymore as a result, I just don't feel like using them. And Bad Eye sight too, 20/30 in one eye and 20/40 in the other eye and Me with No glasses and no cash for the Prescription, I'm broke and unemployed and My motorcycle is broken and needs repairs. Can You say looking at a Computer monitor from about a foot or a little more to just read some of the text. So I like My screen at 1152x864, The PC I built is fast enough at 1.84Ghz. later.

Last edited by zoom314; July 17th, 2003 at 11:02 PM..
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