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Old June 23rd, 2003, 06:02 AM   #40
Vulcan Torturer
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Default Re: The Ancient Astronaut aspects of BSG

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I thought it might be fun to discuss some of these themes and how it relates to BSG. Ther are a few Sci Fi shows that have dealt with the subject. To my mind I can think of obviously BSG, but also, Stargate, The Pheonix, and Otherworld.

There are also several books that have been written by researchers into this field regading the idea that humanity's dim dim past started with visitors from the stars, or a prior high tech civilization that was wiped out by a catastrophe thus forcing mankind to re-invent the wheel. It is believed that this is where many of the legends concering Atlantis and Lemuria arose. Some of the authors who have dealt with this subject would include, Richard C. Hoagland, Graham Hancock, Zecharia Sitchin, Robert Schoch, Erich Von Daniken, and John Anthony West.

There have even been recent geologial findings that suggest the Sphinx of the Giza plateau is at least 10,000 years old, 4000 years older that the known beginnings of human civilzation according to orthodox science.

So what say you, were the Egyptian monuments and other megolithic structures around the world created by workers or slaves, or by someone else...

Don't forget Robert E. Howard's Conan and Kull, and H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos.

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