Thread: Alpha Squadron
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Old May 16th, 2003, 01:16 PM   #12
Great Wise Guru
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Thumbs up Good, Kingfish,

so tell us if you've gotten responses from any of your letters, and what they're saying.

I've been trying to get the word out around here, too, but short of standing on the roof shouting I'm not having a lot of luck reaching people. The TV columnist at the local paper hasn't responded to my e-mail (I'm planning on another this weekend, maybe being a little blunter).

I'm hoping for some input and advice from my fellow Alpha Squadron members - you included - that have been doing this for awhile.

Jewels is right - if there is going to be an impact made on either the production, the airing, or any other aspect of this, as many people as we can get have to be involved. We've already discovered that the neo opposition were mostly clones - let's capitalize on that and use that information to our advantage. I can't help but think advertisers would perk up their ears if they hear that 1) the fanbase they thought was there was phony and 2) the legitimate fanbase will shun their products if they advertise on this show.

Thoughts, anybody?

I am
Lt., Alpha Squadron
"...I aim to misbehave." Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, Serenity.

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