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Old March 5th, 2024, 08:44 AM   #18
Battlestar Callisto
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Default Re: New Battletar Callisto mini-ep!

Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing well.

I know, I know, it has been almost 14 yahrens since the last Callisto mini-ep. NOt sure what happened, I guess life got in they way and right when I was just about to get started on the next one, we bought a new house and moved and yadda yadda.

Next thing you know it's the 45th anniversary of BSG and we are now turning the calendar into 2024!!

To make a long story short, I am now in preproduction for the next Callisto mini-ep!! I have dusted off the old script written back in 2010 and made some changes to it, very minor though.

I have ordered a green screen lighting kit so I can shoot the cgi stuff at home instead of at work. I have also gotten a new computer (man, I'd better have gotten a new one since my last computer was from 2005!) I am learning new editing software as well and it is all coming together nicely.

I am just days away from beginning the shoot. First up will be a monologue in my office and then all the rest in the studio control room which will serve as the bridge and then at my house for all the green screen stuff.

Now, here's my dilemma: where will this thing be seen? Most of the previous sites that housed the mini-eps are down. Hawke's Nest, Battlestarfanfilms, etc.

Does anyone have an idea on where I can house these things so I can spread the word about them?

I will keep everyone updated here as I go along!
When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!
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