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Old September 20th, 2011, 08:27 AM   #39
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Default Re: Star Trek (next) JJ.A signs on, plot?

Originally Posted by Dawg View Post
No - the timeline diverges as Nero emerged from the singularity for the first time and destroyed the Kelvin and George Kirk. Then he went into hiding until Spock emerged, 20-some years later. Vulcan isn't destroyed until the end of the movie.
John -

That's when Kirk's timeline changed because he grew up without his father, but as for the other changes (the ship, uniforms, and just about everything else) that event couldn't change that much. You also have to consider that how things looked in George Kirk's day, were pretty different as to how they should have appeared in the original Trek universe. I think that this is one of the things that bothers me a lot about the story in this film. If you scrutinize it, even just a little bit, it all falls apart. I know that in the end, it's just a story that someone banged out on a keyboard, but it's not the best that they could've come up with. There are so many plot holes in it, it's like swiss cheese with characters and a starship in it.

If I'm honest, if they really wanted to do something new and interesting with Trek, they could have stuck with the exploits of George Kirk in his era (obviously without him getting killed) and started a whole other Trek film franchise with new and original stories instead of trying to re-tread the original to cater to an iPod generation.

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