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Old September 19th, 2011, 12:15 PM   #28
Centurion Draco
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Default Re: Star Trek (next) JJ.A signs on, plot?

Originally Posted by Taranis View Post
For me Star Trek 9 was the worst of the lot.

1. for me the story was weak.
2. Casting was the only good thing (save for Simon Pegg as Mr Scott. as much as I like Mr Peggs other work)
3. Good action (yes) but for me and I think others, Star Trek was about more than that.
4. Cadet to Captain in one mission is god awful story telling.

My personal opinion is that it grossed so much based on a number of things.
Original fans having a look see. (and going away disappointed. ie me)
Modern audiences look for smash and bang movies now and not content.
I think I got my action trek in TWOK and UDC. Steve

Personally I have given up on it and have my DVD collection to sustain me now lol

Oh again I hate the Enterprise design in it.... seen better fan made designs out there.

Worse than 5??

Now come on, that's just crazy talk

I thought that the plot wasn't anything to phone home about, but I think it was kinda hampered by the fact that it needed to do so much!
I really think they made a big effort not to piss off the old fans, to pay homage to the original while introducing the new. To not 'erase' the old, while giving the reboot a life of its own and setting the scene for more to come.

In short I think it was a compromise, but it had to be and I think it could have been a whole lot worse.
Lets face it, WE of all groups of fans know how wrong it could have gone!
So some minor gripes........
Like how completely mis-cast Simon Pegg definately was.... Are still forgivable.

.... As long as the next one is as good as Wrath Of Khan!

'Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies' Nietzsche
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