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Old April 28th, 2011, 10:56 AM   #15
Colonial Story Teller
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Default Re: Video test of my Galactica bridge...

Howdy, QH.

The base characters for male and female are already in iClone. It was a matter of making sure I selected the right body type mesh (for male...casual, for female...bodysuit).

Each mesh is usually consisted of an upper and lower body. In order to make the clothes, I had to export the upper/lower body meshes into Photoshop (although you can use other photo editors as well...such as MSPAINT or even GIMP--GIMP recommended if you do not have Photoshop). For the warriors' uniform jackets, I was able to take an image of a fan-made Colonial Warrior jacket, and position it onto the upper body mesh. Witness the result, a pretty authentic looking jacket for my virtual warriors. The tunic and pants (pants for lower body mesh) I hand drew with Photoshop. After making all the adjustments, I saved them as .jpg files so that they can be imported onto the upper/lower body meshes. (I had to do this for both male and female separately, for build reasons.)

Hair is also available in iClone. So, I just had to select certain hair types for the characters. (I'm thinking about seeing how to fashion my own in Blender.)

As for face-morphing...well....that's fun. iClone has the ability to take images of faces, and graft them onto the heads of your virtual characters. I was able to get good, front-on images of Eliza Dushku, Natalie Portman, Ellen Page, and graft them onto Sheba, Shaen, and Athena respectively. The faces are key-frame animated, and can even do lip-synching (either with sound files --.wav preferred, text to speech, or recording your own voice onto the scene).

iClone is very versatile as a character creator, and there's even an online service that (for a price) allows you to create even better detailed characters.

The characters are pre-rigged for animation, and there are TONS of animations (some available automatically in iClone, some available at the Reallusion content store, and you can also custom-make your own animations.) Animations such as operating the bridge controls were made by me. Other animations like walking were default animations available with the app.

I can also create neato overlay effects on the characters. If you noticed, the guy who went to check out the scan of the Cimtar class moon, I made his face look as if it were reflecting some of the readout screen (ala ALIENS or CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the THIRD KIND).
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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