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Old July 22nd, 2010, 06:12 PM   #36
David Kerin
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Default Re: JJ Abrams "Star Trek", Success or Failure?

Originally Posted by Taranis View Post
I agree with all your observations Dave . from TNG onward they did dilute the feel of adventure of the original.

But when I first saw TNG ship . I did not like it much .. but it grew on me over time and I like it more now... the reboot version is just baaa it looks like 2 or 3 different styles kitbashed together

but I going on to much about the bloody ship.

perhaps the next one will bring be back around to it. who know
When TNG came on the two things I waited to see was the revised Enterprise, the phasers and uniforms... wait, that's three (I have a bit of a design interest)! All three I could not believe what I saw. What utter dissappointment. Who picked those????? And I have to say the same for the new movie's Enterprise and the engine room design.

With TNG, the Enterprise D never grew on me. Hated it and was glad to see it go in Generations (I did like E). They at least changed the uniforms part way through (liked Picard's jacket) and the Phasers got an upgrade, but they were still a suck-ass design. How is it more ergonomic to twist your wrist like that for a weapon? A traditional gun/phaser actually fits the form better.

As for Roddenberry I have to respect the man. He did wonders with the series. But by the time of the movies and TNG I wonder if a new point of view entered Gene. He tried to say the Federation was non-military, and from TMP and TNG first couple seasons you can see that it was a new world of correctness that had taken over the galaxy. I'm all for the betterment of humanity, but it made it boring, and almost painful to watch at times. In the post TOS era it is ironic that the series (film and TV) really took off after Roddenbery stepped into a lesser control position. Bennett for the movies, and Berman for the series. Although Berman proves that even a good thing can stay too long and completely ruin a series. And helped prove that Manny Coto can have the stuff to save it... even though too late.

For me Star Trek has returned and it didn't crap on, obliterate or sexually molest what had come before. Unlike what a certain writer hack felt he had to do with another scifi series. Where we have one ex-TNG writer that feels he has to blow his creative feces over something to make it the way he wants it, I'm glad there are others who can pay respect to the original without treating it like garbage, and bring it up to date for a modern audience. So I can still enjoy new Trek and Doctor Who... while sadly another fond memory of mine was sacrificed to the pool of arrogance. I know there are D-Bags out there, but why did he have to get hold of that one?!

Ah well... hope that didn't go to ranty.
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