Thread: Bsg cg 3d!
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Old September 21st, 2009, 11:30 AM   #15
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Default Re: Bsg cg 3d!

Originally Posted by Amon Ra View Post
What kind of "cool stuff" do you intend on doing to it? I trust you mean animation-wise right? (i.e.; battles, laser fire, explosions, etc.)

All I ask is that you credit my work in the creds, and if you ever make a million on this project; if you want to throw a few bucks my way, I won't say no.

Amon Ra
Just so you know - am a fiend when it comes to giving credit to the cg artists.
I give credit to the CG artists right in the opening credit screens as well as the closing screens.

As for cool stuff - I mean I have a full on BSG story written that I began working on around 3 years (maybe 4) ago and I wasn't at all happy with it. As time went on and I became a better animator I wanted to revisit that story and do it proper. It is set in the TOS era but it is not a cheesy retro-feel good walk down childhood memory lane. It's a serious story and I don't want to give away any of the details.

If I do end up using any of your models I will keep in contact with you and share footage with you so you can see the progress on the project as well as seeing your hard work put into my hard work.

With the exception of the Godzilla project I'm currently knee deep in, I am an animation studio of ONE. LOL! I do have a good group of voice actors though (they're my band, roadcrew and friends and they work for beer!) and that helps a lot when it comes to characters and dialogue.

I've seen many BSG animations and IMO most are the same thing - speechless characters and asteroid fields. "BSG CG-3d' has neither of these.

I know there are a slew of Star Wars fan films and animations all over the web and that's great - but I noticed there was an extreme shortage of BSG themed fan films and animations and so I decided that if I was going to do a fan film genre it would be a BSG one since I feel it's under represented and has some very loyal fans. Because of that fan base I will either come off like a hero or a goat when "BSG CG-3d" is finally shown. With that in mind I do not intend to be the goat. LOL!

Like I mentioned before - I do have a good story but I wasn't really all that happy with some elements of it. The time I have right now is giving my the ability to shore up some of the parts of the story, plug some plot holes and along with my cast, develop deeper characters. If I can get character head morphs for the TOS cast I'll tweak the story to involve them - but if not - then they'll be other pilots on the Galactica. I have Faceshop but I can't seem to make a face that doesn't suck and if I'm going to use a face that is supposed to look like Hatch, it better damn well look like him. LOL!

Since my efforts have each come up short I've decided I am better off working on other elements of the project for now.

If issue of quality of animation might be passing through your mind, I'll tell you this much. I am doing the rendering in Carrara, Lightwave v.9.6 and 3DsMax v.8 & v.9 and v.2009 (I can use my Daz/Poser figures in v.8 with their morphs, skeleton rigs and even lip synch). Post production and composite effects are being done in After Effects CS4 and final editing in Premiere CS4.

My lasers are animated in AECS4 and my explosions? Well they're stock footage of real explosions. The real explosions makes a big BIG difference in the battle footage... and there will be a lot of that.

Again, believe me when I say this - I do not want to, in any way create a BSG fanfilm that is anything but kickass. I know that if I do something that is only 'so-so' that it won't be good enough and so I have to do something stellar so that the fans (and ppl who come to sites like this) don't tell me I've ruined their favorite show. LOL!

And just so we're all on the same page... yes, this is a 100% CG fan film.
No live actors - all CG.

Also - when it is finally done I will be releasing two versions of it.

Version 1) The full deal. CG in 3D!
Version 2) The regular version that is not in 3D for ppl who don't have the glasses.

Since the 3D effect will be done via anaglyph glasses (multicoloured lenses) it will look like crap on a stick without them. That is the reason for the non-3D version.

Feel free to PM me if you'd like details or anything.

I figure it's going to take me another month or so to wrap up the Godzilla animation and then I'll be able to pick the BSG one back up. I do have a good amount of footage rendered and animated so far.

One more reason why this film will have to be really good is that somebody has been waiting for something like 3 years or so for me to make them a BSG CG film for their fan site. *cough**cough*
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