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Old April 1st, 2009, 06:22 AM   #75
Galactica's Princess
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Default Re: Worst Scierce Fiction series ever aired.

Originally Posted by Kester Pelagius View Post
Wow! Feels like I've wandered into an BBS discussion from a decade ago.

On the CON side for TNG there's one factoid that always stuck with me throughout the years. When TWILIGHT ZONE magazine reviewed the pilot (this wa back when 'zines actually came off the press in a timely fashion so the series hadn't actually premiered) the author, speaking about the design of the the new Enterprise, called it a:


On the PRO side TNG actually utilized retooled material from the proposed continuation series. If you saw the motion picture here's the break down best as I recollect it:

Riker = Decker
Deanna = Ilia
Deltan = Betazoid

Compare these character's story arcs. They are IDENTICAL. Right down to the female character being from a sexually liberated species with progressive views about expressions of sexuality.

I forget the name of the Android character in TMP and most of his parts seem to have been cut out but if you look closely at the bridge scenes you will see a guy with a bit of a forehead and weird looking eyes, that's the 'Data' character. I think the SE DVD may have some info on this.

Of course if you didn't like TMP then the above PROs are CONs. But at least there was no V'ger in the TNG/TMP pilot, just giant celestial jellyfish creatures.

Those are good points.
I liked the TMP and also like Star Trek TNG.
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