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Old March 31st, 2009, 02:57 PM   #334
Galactica's Princess
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Kester Pelagius View Post
It would be nice. No denying that. And, yes, it would be sweet to see Dirk Benedict return as Starbuck. And Athene, too, if the actress is still around. IMO Athene was a character that they dropped the ball with. I'd love to see the actress return, not as Starbuck's wife or some background character, but, say, as the Commander of Galactica!

But the big obstacle is Moore's GINO series. To most people that is BSG. I fear a continuation would only confuse people. To make it work you'd need a recap of oBSG series events, and that might be costly, even assuming NBC Universal is on board and gives Larson access to film stock from the original series. Granted they could probably do something like they did with the CROW. Utilizing modern CGI techniques new footage could be wed with the old to create a intro that explains events "up to now".

That would probably be a must for a continuation movie project. But will NBC Universal shell out the money for it?

If they don't I may just. .

Good points.
*I meant to say reimagining. Please excuse the typo. That's what you get when you type when you're sleepy. LOL*
I think it would be great to see Dirk Benedict back and Maren Jensen.
I politely disagree with your comment that most people see GINO as BSG.
There are many, many people that see TOS BSG as BSG. There is a very, very strong loyal fan base. Me? I've been a fan for 30 years and am proud of it. Also, many people have bought the DVD collectors edition. Larson is still very much in the public eye.
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