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Old March 30th, 2009, 11:04 AM   #279
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Default Re: Clean joke of the day.

* A fingerstyle guitarist is walking on the beach when he accidentally kicks a bottle. The cork falls off and out pops a genie. "Thank you Oh Master for releasing me from my prison of the last 300 years" the genie exclaims, profusely grateful to the fingerstyle guitarist. "And because of your kindness" the genie continues, "I will grant you three wishes". "But I must caution you" alerts the genie. "And what's that?" asks the fingerstyle guitarist.

"Well, you can wish for anything you desire, but whatever you ask for, every electric guitarist fingerstyle guitarist in the world will receive double" explains the genie. "Not a problem" says the fingerstyle guitarist. "Very well then, what shall your first wish be, my Master" "$Ten million in small bills" says the fingerstyle guitarist unhesitatingly. "Good choice, Master" and poof!! right there on the beach are piles and piles of $10s and $20s. And of course every fingerstyle guitarist in the world now has twenty million in their account.

"And your next wish, Master?" "A brand new Taylor PS12C Presentation Series Guitar." and presto: right there on the beach is the most beautifully inlaid and superb sounding acoustic guitar he'd ever seen! And of course every fingerstyle guitarist now has two of these guitar's in their living rooms; knowing of course that they aren't going to know what to do with one, much less two.

"You've made excellent choices thus far, Master; what is your final wish?" The fingerstyle guitarist thinks for a minute, rubs his chin a moment, squints at the bright sky and says, "You know, I've always wanted to donate a kidney"
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