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Old March 27th, 2009, 05:15 PM   #49
Galactica's Princess
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Default Re: 01: Saga Of A Star World

Originally Posted by Punisher454 View Post
No I dont think the characters actually are one dimensional, I''m just saying that in the span of SOASW they are not developed enough for an audience of 2009.
I like stories where the good guys are good and the bad guys are bad. I do believe that shades of grey are good, but those shades of grey should be very slight and not right in the middle like RDM does.
We all here understand the depth of TOS characters, but a new viewer of the current day watching TOS for the first time does not get a chance to really understand them very well. At least thats what I've gathered while attempting to introduce people to the series who have never seen it.

I hate to compare anything good to "Starship Troopers" but there are a couple of things they did right in that movie. The audience was given just the right amount of character history before the action really started. The rest may have been crap, but that was done really well, not too much and not too little, just right. Speaking of which, I suggest Michael Ironside for a role.

I agree that the special effects stand the test of time, mostly. But the modern audience will be expecting more technical accuracy of course.
One thing that must not be forgotten is that the galactica is a big warship made of metal, and the sets need to reflect that, and not have the soft plastic look of so many other productions. The riveted bulkheads beams and struts must be maintained.
Also the size and general shape of the colonial warrior sidearm should be I spreserved, its Iconic.
I see what you mean in terms of the characters for the audience of today.
I've had friends who've watched TOS BSG for the first time. We always start with the Saga of a Starworld movie. They absolultely loved it!
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