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Old February 22nd, 2009, 11:16 PM   #44
Aussie Warrior
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by BST View Post
With all due respect, I dispute that. Ron Moore has had over 5 years, from the time of mini-series to now, and has "re-tooled" the original BSG formula. Where has it gotten him (at the end of his series run) ?

Frankly, I think that a healthy dose of "feel good" shows and some true epic heroism is what this country needs, not just another dose of Hollywood-scripted "reality". When I want reality, I watch the news or read the news reports, I don't flip on the Sci-Fi channel.
I had meant only visual changes , the story, original actors roles, character names etc would not need to be changed at all.

I won't go deeply into the whole did RDM do good or bad thing but i will say i was happy with what i seen from a show standpoint but it didn't change my love of the original one bit but i believe that a good study of the show and what we seen in The Second Coming and the DeSanto/Singer effort could help a future original movie because you can say well this sort of sexual stuff is out, first names out, Vipers like the ones in Second Coming are in so you take the best bits and add them in the mix with the 1978/79 story etc and voila one original movie with new tech added for continuing the story 30 years after Hand of God.

We all been presented an opportunity here, sure the story is only a rumor but the people can say they want the rumor to be fact but we'll have to move fast since time stops for nobody and i am aware people been hearing reports like this for years only to be let down but the opportunities are getting fewer as the years go by and if we the fans want the original Galactica the time has to be now while people are still discussing the pros and cons of such an idea and not while the attention is firmly on BSG/Caprica.
Still working on BSG: The Colonials Desperation after 6 years and a million stumbling blocks
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