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Old November 6th, 2008, 04:43 AM   #12
Vulcan Torturer
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BG: The Second Coming
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Battlestar Galactica 2003

Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: TX, USA
Posts: 295

Default Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture

Hey Dilbertman!

I'm currently working on some projects, including a Star Trek fan film of my own creation called, "Starship Saladin."

I will be playing a recurring role throughout about 18 stories, some will be comics, some direct to fotonovel format, some live action, some prose stories and an audio novel or two. My characters will be appearing first in a comic at as guests in the ongoing comic series there about another Destroyer-Class ship, the USS Tamerlane.

I'm also working on another Trek fanfilm called "He Who Draws the Sword" which can be found at

I spent about the last 3.5 years just playing Neverwinter Nights and writing stories, and I have now approximately 65 200+ page stories written from those adventures. I am over my writer's block at last.

I'm also trying to go back to school and get back into the game industry.

That, and raising 3 kids is keeping me rather busy.

I saw the trailer was online over at on their forum, and then I came here to see what was up.

I have still not heard from Richard, so I do not know what the story is there, regarding the trailer. It's up to him though. I have left him a couple of messages, so I have done my due diligence.

My forum is online again, recently updated, if any of you all who remember me from ages past want to come over for a visit, you're welcome. I'm still recovering from AOL dropping several of my webpages, but they will be rebuilt. Some were ten years old or more, so it was time for a change anyhow, but my site is riddled with broken links as of this past Halloween.

I was quite absorbed with my writing, and that's the main reason I've been so scarce. But I plan now to publish some stories, so it was worth it.

Catch you all soon,


(Note: The Starships seen here are made from a model of the Enterprise by Thomas7G, used with his permission.)

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