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Old August 21st, 2008, 07:14 AM   #1
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Default Sci Fi moments that make you happy.

Sci Fi Fans on the net often like to vent thier spleen on the stuff they hate about current and past Sci Fi offerings. I include myself in this group. Often, we don't take the time to comment on what went right. Here are a few of the moments that the people behind the scenes got right. some are on purpose, some are just happy little accidents.

1. In the "Buck Rogers" episode "Lost planet of the Slave Girls," many of the Earth pilots are sick with food poisoning. They have to recall all available pilots to defend the Earth. Who answers the call? Buster Crabbe! Buster played both Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon back in movie serials of the 1930s and 40s. Now, in 1979, Buster as Colonel Gordon, is once again behind the controlls of a "rocketship" to go after the bad guys. The beauty of the moment is underscored by the dialouge:

Colonel Gordon: I've been doing this sort of thing since before you were born captain.

Buck: You think so huh?

Colonel Gordon: Captain, I know so.

I love this. For me, this is the high point of the episode. It has two meanings. Within the context of the story, Buck is over 500 years old. But in actuality, Buster had been doing it 43 years before! Beautiful!

2. You know the Twilight Zone episode where William Shatner sees a gremlin on the wing of the plane? Well, in the story, they get the pilot to come back to calm down Shatner's character. The acter playing the pilot is Ed Kemmer. In case you don't know, Kemmer was the star of the 1950s Sci Fi show, Space Patrol. As Commander Corry, he explored the galaxy on his space cruiser the Terra V. What I like about this moment is that it is the space hero of one era meeting the future space hero of another. A nice little gem of a moment.

3. Dr. McCoy tours the Enterprise-D. While it is something of a shock to see a 100+ yar old McCoy, this scene from the pilot of "Star Trek The Next Generation is pure trek. The baton is being passed. This scene is more significant to me now since the passing of Deforest Kelly. I like the line "Treat her [the new Enterprise] like a lady and she will always bring you back."

4. Since I am on the subject, the TNG episode with Scotty, "Relics", Has a nice scene where Scotty enters a holodeck recreation of the original Enterprise. I love the look on his face. It is a mixure of nostalgia and wonder. I know how you feel, Scotty.

5. I know Galactica 1980 is hated by many fans but there are some nice moments to be found here. The first is the last episode with Starbuck. It was a nice gift to the fans of the original show. But the best moment in the entire brief run of the show? In one episode, Adama finally sets foot on Earth. Loren Greene really sells the weight of the moment when Adama's dream of finding Earth is realized. Great stuff.

6. In Superman The Movie, I think it is in the extended edition, there is a scene where young Clark is racing a train. On board the train is a young Lois who tells her parents what she saw. The parents are played by Kirk Alyn and Noel Neill. They played Superman and Lois back in 1948. Neill wnt on to play Lois in the classic tv series in the 1950s. It is a nice little scene for long-time fans.

7. This has become almost obligatory in movies based on Marvel superheroes. Stan Lee must appear. Stan is the creator or co-creator of many of the great Marvel superheroes. Spiderman, The Fantastic 4, Daredevil etc. You can be sure that Stan will be there to "marvel" at the superheroics on display. You go Stan! Nuff said!

8. This is a general observation rather than a specific scene. Fans of Star Trek tos, Farscape, Firefly, Stargate SG-1 and Indiana Jones were rewarded for thier loyalty. They got more adventures with the original cast. Fans of Star Trek had to wait 10 years, but in 1979 they got Star Trek the motion picture. Farscape and Firefly fans got the Peacekeeper wars and Serenity to tie up loose ends. Stargate SG-1 got some great Straight to DVD movies that really were treats for fans. Say what you will about "The Crystal Skull" It was a real kick to see Harrison Ford do Indy one more time. (More please!) It was nice to see Karen Allen back too. The final scene from that movie is another great scene. I won't give it away but it felt right.

There are many more that don't come to mind just yet. What are yours?
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