Thread: New script
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Old March 25th, 2003, 10:31 PM   #1
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Default New script

From what i've read of the script for the new BSG miniseries, It bites!
They've taken the original characters and turned them into a trailer park version of the originals. Their first mistake was allowing an ex-startrek writer to write the thing. I mean we all know how well that franchise is doing.(lost more fans after babylon 5 hit the airwaves than at anytime in its history and they're goin down hill fast.) Why is it that these hollywood morons have to turn every past shows characters into a bunch of norotic, dysfunctional, minutes from hangin themselves losers?
They've taken one of the best series that I grew up watchin and turned it into a cheap and sleezy image of itself. Man, maybe hatch was right. his idea seems lightyears beyond what this once trekkie loser wants to force on not only the original fans but those that are just discovering it and scifi in general.

An original fan that can't believe his eyes
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