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Old March 25th, 2003, 04:49 PM   #21
Shuttle Pilot
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Posts: 36



To any PTB involved with the BSG update:

I am basically a Trek fan, not a BSG fan, but despite supposedly having a former award-winning Star Trek writer on board, I will not give a remake even a minute's chance, not even a glance. I would be very interested in a continuation, however. It's continuation or bust, not only for me but for many people who like sci-fi in general. This universe (BSG's) has been established. Everyone I talk to in-person, none of whom are hardcore BSG fans (yesterday it was a 21 year old girl) ALL GROAN in dread when I bring up your apparent plans for a re-imagining/remake. Get it through your PTB heads: you are absolute fools to even consider a pure remake! You demand evidence that remakes are bad business? Here: look at the budget and advertising costs of Willard 2003, then see what it made its opening weekend (not even one fifth of its budget alone), and add it to your (Hollywood's) steaming pile of wretched, loser REMAKES (this list is looooong as everybody knows). REMAKE<-Yes, that word is synonymous with "creative and financial FAILURE." To state the obvious: from a viewer's perspective, creative bankruptcy is not something to seek out and look forward to. Give us something interesting. Original mixed with new is interesting. A remake by the writer of Mission Impossible 2 is not giving us sci-fi fans something to look forward to. DO A CONTINUATION-ESQUE UPDATE of Battlestar Galactica, DO NOT DO A FROM-SCRATCH [color=Mr. Hanky brown]REMAKE[\color].

Whew. Okay, thanks for listening.

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