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Old December 22nd, 2006, 12:53 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by BST

I think we're on the same page with this....I wasn't asking the questions on the initial post out of naivete....more along the lines of being facetious.

I'm also with you about watching television....much of what's offered does not appeal to me. However, when I do watch television, I'm more interested in seeing an author weave a good story than I am in his/her ability to withstand scientific scrutiny^1. Sadly, the ability to imagine does appear to have taken a holiday. I hope it returns but, given the crop of "talent" penning television shows and the recent penchant for cheap reality shows, I'm not too optimistic.

Perhaps we are witnessing the beginning of the end of television.
Quite possible.

I am somewhat surprised that people continue to believe that science, or those who try to practice it, lacks imagination. If there is one thing I've learned, thinking empirically requires enormous amounts of imagination.

It is why I admire The Lord of the Rings trilogy but have a lot of trouble with the Harry Potter movies.

^1 Try practicing science or engineering WITHOUT imagination. The FANTASTIC is a part and participle of everything I do and see.

As always;
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