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Old December 2nd, 2006, 06:36 PM   #8
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Mary -

I'm going to attempt to address your question while sticking with the particular show you mentioned, namely Jericho.

I've been watching the show from the first week with a friend of mine. After the first few episodes, we started questioning the direction of the show and the stories each week and noted some plot holes you could drive a truck through. I kept watching despite the flaws, but my friend bailed on the show after 4 episodes. I still see the flaws and don't enjoy the show as much as I did in the beginning, but then again, it's not a re-run and it's on at 7pm here in Sacramento, so it doesn't interfere with other prime time programming that I might be tempted to watch. Basically, it's gone from the "must watch" category, to "If I care to watch" category. I've only missed one epsiode completely, but it's easy to catch up in the first few minutes of the following week, so it didn't hurt any.

My friend has asked about the show and I keep her updated on the "high" points, but her continued interest is only casual and probably won't go past that point.

Jericho isn't necessarily a "bad " show, it's well intentioned, but it's not as good of a show that it could be. I'm still watching anyways, go figure.

"When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!" - Col. Tigh - "Saga of a Star World"

"If you love long enough, wish hard enough, anything is possible" - From The Boy Who Could Fly
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