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Old December 2nd, 2006, 05:07 AM   #1
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Default Why watch a show if you don't like it?

As I've mentioned elsewhere, my favorite show this fall is Jericho. Like all shows, it is flawed. No series will ever be perfect. But this isn't a question about Jericho specifically. It's a question about TV viewing and Internet participation.
I realize that Internet discussion groups can be wonderful time-wasters--I'm VERY guilty of this myself--but I don't join discussion groups for topics--whatever they might be--of things I don't like or don't agree with. But I've discovered that there is a very large cyberspace population that goes out of its way to complain about something they don't like. I'm not talking about big political topics such as the war in Iraq, abortion, the economy, etc. I'm talking about pop culture.
I've tried joining several different discussion groups in the past few weeks for the show, and at least two-thirds of the members DON'T like Jericho, and go out of their way to mention the show's flaws. They outnumber the fans at least two to one. These folks--this is particularly true in the Television Without Pity group--watch the show, and I think many of them record it to watch it a second time just so they can pick it apart. They never have anything nice to say. TWoP encompasses many, many programs, and its members complain about EVERYTHING! It's why I unsubscribed to that web site.
There have been many, many series over the years that I didn't care for. Some of them I made an effort to watch because everyone else was talking about them, but I either got bored or didn't like the characters and so went on to something else. I have better things to do with my time than force myself to view something that annoyed me. I certainly don't have the time to watch something twice that I don't like and then get on the Internet to write about it every day or every week!
Are there that many people out there who have enough time to do such a silly thing as regulary critique a show they cannot stand? Or are their more masochists out there than I realize?
Again, this question isn't about any show in particular. It's a generic question.
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