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Old November 26th, 2006, 07:32 AM   #59
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WoW talk about memory lane, Just the other day my younger 8 year old daughter was asking me if I liked watching Sponge Bob when I was a kid or some other kids cartoon that is now days for the kids. She really started me thinking of what it was like back when? geeze it seems so long ago when we
used to hang out with a group of our friends and just having plain ole fun running around.

And doing what came to mind, or going out to the sand box and playing with the Ole Tonka Toy Dump Trucks and such, now days it is all wireless remote control, Now that I think about it I can remember the old AFX race cars where you had to put the race track together. And the biggest thrill was taking apart the cars swapping the motors to make them go faster, heck we even had a four lane race track and would have races to see who AFX car was faster. Ya know I still have one or two of my old AFX cars, gonna have pull it out and take a pic of it.

PaulGTweed, I checked out a couple links you posted and I was looking at the cartoons from back then, I can remember watching the Abbott & Costello Cartoons and Casper the Friendly Ghost and all the rest. And then I checked the one other site you posted and I scrolled down a bit and read this.

""Kids, Guns and TV
Some modern-day experts contend that violent video games encourage savage behavior in our young people, while others say that's just another example of the latest entertainment medium becoming society's scapegoat du jour. Keep in mind, the same breed of expert said the exact same thing about comic books and toy guns in the 1950s - and look at how great the baby boomers turned out."" Here is the rest of it

When I was a kid I had to work and earn my money to buy things, Wash the dish’s, sweep the floor or steps, mop the floor, wax the floor, clean the bath room, ect; and I was paid not a lot maybe like 5 or 6 bucks a week but money was just not handed to me because I asked for it. Now days the world has become a disposable world, "use it through it away buy a new one, Why Fix? why take care of it" I remember back in shop class I made a Snoopy Lamp from wood and painted it like Snoopy’s dog house and the shop teacher helped me cut out and paint a Snoopy figure to glue on top of the Snoopy dog house, WoW I held onto the lamp up until about six years ago when my daughter broke it beyond repair (terrible Two's).

Anywho, when my daughter was asking me about the cartoons she watch’s now days, I started to think and I told her ya know what, from now on, you and your sister will work and earn your allowance, help in the kitchen cleaning up, take out the trash, walk the dog, you want things, toys, MONEY, you will have to earn it, I am not going to be your money machine, I will help you when and where I feel it is the right thing to do, but by god you both will learn the value of Money and how to care for your things and so on. And on a last note, I do have to say that when the two of them are out playing in the yard or in the house, they both have a very good active imagination when they are not fighting with each other, they have really learned how to pretend.

Okay that is it from the peanut gallery
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