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Old November 12th, 2006, 09:16 AM   #3
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Superman/Smallville A great but very patchy show.

Originally Posted by Bijou88
. If the show is required viewing for sci fi/superhero fans, I might go over an snap up the season sets to catch up.
It is a good show, but the quality of the episodes is very uneven, ranging from the sublime(Rosetta, Lexmas, Hourglass) to the ridiculous(Redux, Devoted, Thirst).

The sci-fi/ superhero stuff is great. The ongoing story of Clark & Lex on the journey to the men they are destined to become is compelling. And every week there are wee references to the Superman mythos that geeks like me just love!
The SFX are first class for a TV show- lightyears ahead of the 1990's Lois & Clark TV show, and even hold up well against the Superman Returns SFX.
And most of the cast is great- Michael Rosenbaum, John Schneider and Allison Mack are especially good IMHO.

The main downside is that in many episodes it gets bogged down in the whole "teen drama" element of the show. And has an over reliance in the 'Freak of the Week' format- were a troubled teen gets Kryptonite induced powers and goes on the rampage!
And I personally find Lana Lang very annoying, I honestly can't see why Clark would choose her over Chloe.

But overall, if you are a fan of Superman, I say give it a go. Especially at $15 a season! Then if you don't like it after season 1, you can bail out without a huge hit in your wallet.
Doc. I'm from the future.
I came here in a time machine that you invented.
Now I need your help to get back to the year 1985.....
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