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Old August 9th, 2006, 12:43 PM   #17
Strike Leader
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I was actually thinking up and imagining an opening to a BG movie which played out like a set of action sequences from a reintroduction standpoint!

Battlestar Galactica Movie opening scene

Fade in

Que Patrick McNee voiceover explaining the events of mankind from early days on planet Kobol to the exodus and the founding of the 12 colonies of man, to the great war between mankind and the Cylon Empire which waged for 1.000 years! The recount of the final years where the Cylons finally overcame humanity through deception (re-enactment of Baltar's betrayal seen through quick vague images onscreen)

To the grand second exodus of the humans to the stars.......

Credit sequences.

Opening scene begins with a huge Cylon armada raiding a planet, hordes of Cylon Raiders swarm over the planet creating a shadow over it with 6 or so Cylon baseships in orbit taking stratigic flanking positions as we witness the might of the Cylon Empire first hand. We cut to the chamber of the Imperious Leader as he watches the takeover, an I.L. series Cylon walks into his chamber area reporting on the capture of yet another world to a bemused leader who seems bored to tears almost of yet another victory?

Imperious Leader bemoans the fact he wants the last group of human survivors!

Scene cuts to a titanic struggle of wills as we see two Colonial Warriors fighting against a group of Cylons in a rather hellish surroundings of nasty looking jungle filled with all kinds of creatures and obstacles in their path. Its looking like another warzone with Landram's and battllions of Warriors taking out Cylon Centurions everywhere, explosions going off and wave after wave of Cylons still heading towards chatter is heard as one group of field commander's talk to another in a different part of the battlefield with each other.

In another part of the battlefield several Colonial Warriors are facing off against Cylons in a snowy flat glacier looking area with troops surrounding and closing in on the warriors?

In a another battlefield this time a desert with rock formations and small streams of rivers running around the dry sandy desert in places and several areas throughout. We see two warriors facing off against a mysterious unseen foe who's moving around fast and swiftly for them to hardly keep up pace with their elusive attacker. A voice cries out taunting them to find him? As the warriors dart about looking for a good position suddenly, several "Laser boles" cut down across their path and strike the rocks nearby. smoke and dust arise from the explosion and the warriors scatter still searching for their target.

Finally their target jump out of nowhere's and takes down the colonials in their tracks. A Borellian Nomen!

He moves quickly large as he is, he flawlessly beats down the two warriors before they can draw a breath, however underodgs as they are, they put up a couragous fight none the less forcing the Borellian to workout a little harder trying to defeat them both. He avoid more shots fired from a blaster and throws his "Laser Boles" at the two warriors destroying their lasers with an expert's careful aim and floors one warrior while knocking down the other for good. He begins to take a hunter's type pose over the fallen warrior and is about to deliver the death blow when a voice booms out?


The Borellian then extends his hand in a warm gesture and picks up the young Colonial Warrior!

Borellian: You've come along way young blood, but have alot to learn?

As the two of them pick up the other fallen Colonial Warrior the camera angle pan's up to see the sky of the desert change into that of interstellar space and we see the glass dome of the starship that they're in. P.O.V. pans outside and we see that the various battlefields were set on several of the old Agroship's, although they appear to be modified for other things, mainly as a training grounds for Colonial Warriors to practice their battle drills on!

The dome has all kinds of enviroments now, like a forest and river like setting in particular dome, other ones have different settings from each other like a 'snow laced' glaciers etc while others further still have a desert setting, with tribes of Borellian Nomen one for example on them. To ones filled with colonial combat machines like Landrams and Warriors using 'Landprobes' (flying cycles) and jetpacks of all things. Watching the events from a military type chamber somewhere's is a man with heavy look on his face as he scans various battlefields and looks over the Colonial's training on different exercise fronts. All kinds of wild and furious wargames training method's on these grounds having just been finished up, the rather stern faced man stand up and addresses his generals in the conference room after witnessing the trials before them on a holographic display.

This is Commander Apollo!

Apollo: They aren't ready yet!

End of opening thus far.

Thats the outline for the opening. Needs alot of work if i were to take it further, but hopefully thats just a rough idea of what i had in mind and wanted to share with you all so far.


Kneel before Zod!!!
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