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Old August 2nd, 2006, 08:03 AM   #1
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Default How would Galactica fans envision action sequences in a series of BG movies--Draft

I was thinking this, seeing as we've never truly discussed how we'd like to see action sequences in a Galactica movie being movies have changed over the past 10 to 15 years or so.

We've come off trilogies like The Lord Of The Rings, The Matrix and its sequels and Star Wars prequels which all had fantastic action set pieces. And other rather new and creative movies like The Fifth Element, Brotherhood Of The Wolf, The Descent, Kill Bill, The Ring (remake) Casshern, Dark City, Terminator 3, Silent Hill and the recent glut of superheroes movies. These are just some of my examples of films that compared to the past, have made huge leaps and bounds in visual effects and were shot with a certain exotic style that made them stand out as they did when they were all released.

Besides dogfights between Colonial Vipers and Cylon Raiders, and the journey to discover the lost 13th tribe of humanity, exactly how would the fans envision many of the action sequences in a Battlestar Galactica continuation movie. What would you like to see happen in other words?

1) Traveling through hyperspace via a faster than Lightspeed drive or Warp system being acheived in CGI/SFX.

2) Clunky Cylons in futuristic suits looking much akin to Stan Winston's visually formidable and dangerous Terminators?

3) Anykind of "Martial Arts" being used by the Colonial Warrior pilots/infantry or Borellian Nomen on the battle field or one-on-one confrontations with anybody.

4) Far more use of the mythological elements of the TV series being adaptated for the BG movies. I.E. the Von Daniken ideas and ancient Earth history as guides for the colonials to track down Earth via an Indiana Jones style hunt across the galaxy?

5) The Count Iblis and John and The Ships Of Light Demons and Angels motifs from WOTG. Being examined in any possible storyline in the films/sequels much like The Vorlons Vs the Shadows of Babylon 5 angle?

6) Or any other concept from the BG series that wasn't looked at such as; Aliens, Space Pirates, lost colonies/human outposts, the peoples of the rag tag fleet etc.

I know it all depends on the stories, but try to imagine if the fans were in the writing position and the TPTB and the producers of lets say either Richard Hatch's greenlighted proposed "Second Coming BG" project or Tom DeSanto's Galactica got the nod to be theatrical movies with several sequels behind them. now how would you go about creating "action set pieces" and could your original ideas compete with the movies of today? Its one thing to keep saying we want a Galactica continuation. But its not just down to the director, producers and writers. Film production is a whole process, and i was just wondering how mere ideas and concepts became storyboarded to become these multi-million dollar sequences put onto film.

Sci-Fi isn't eaxcly booming right now, and fantasy pictures seem to be coming in at a faster rate in case noboby's paying attention. Sure some sci-fi is still on the way with "The Fountain" and Pulse" coming soon. I of all people know there's no end to storytelling, but box office movies seem to be running low of new ideas after 6 years into the 21st century already. When it comes to science fiction fantasy, has most of the common themes been explored already? War, space dogfight battles, hyperspace travel, shootouts, aliens, robots, intricate stories behind their tales etc...

I tend to turn to more independent flims these days besides a few action blockbusters expected during the summer from hollywood. So if say a Bg movie was greenlighted, what could we see in a movie that we haven't witnessed at all yet? What could possibly be seen in a sci-fi fantasy movie which hasn't been approached before.


I want to know being, if we were all working on an official movie of Battlestar Galactica, exactly what fresh unbias 'fanboy-ish' ideas could we offer up to the filmmakers! Cos i'm certain today you'd need to be very professional and approach movie making with a 'non-nostalgia' filled flick, much akin to Bryan Singer's Superman Returns. Hey it was good but the main critism was way too much love of the 1978 Donner Superman film with one too many references to it etc.

Outline your ideas here folks, lets see if Galactica continuation, could really be an original thought out drafted movie script ready for a movie executive's nod for the greenlight!

Kneel before Zod!!!
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