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Old July 10th, 2006, 11:26 PM   #36
Colonial Story Teller
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Then why doesn't this FARQUAAD move out of our country, and go somewhere where his rights to say such things would be greatly diminished.

"Oh, and Americans do suck. I'm more and more ashamed to be one of them each day."

The country'd be a better place without his ilk.

Sorry, I just hate hearing my fellow countrymen slapping my home in the face like that.

Back to the subject at hand. My friends, we've seen this before. Take Serenity. Granted, it wasn't as well known as Superman, but still there were a lot of FF/Serenity fans who questioned the country's tastes when Serenity (for all intents and purposes) bombed at the office receipts favoring other films at the time like DOOM. Americans want to blame the American movie going public....citing that general America is dumber than themselves, which pisses me off to no fracking end.

I can agree about the points regarding reality tv....I HATE reality tv...but these are movies we are talking about. While I am saddened that SR is not doing as well compared to POTC2, I hardly think it is a statement about the American public. So tastes change. Frankly, I enjoyed SR a lot more than POTC2.

At least Superman Returns is not a bomb. I figure, if it's already done triple figures, then it must be doing pretty well. Now, there is the question of whether or not it will break even, or draw profit.

Anymore, I think that any film that grosses more than 80 million, even if that number is worldwide, is considered a hit.

I just hope SR does well enough to warrant a sequel or two.

Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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