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Old May 19th, 2006, 07:06 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by JLHurley
When did BG even start being considered "camp"? I never heard it called that until the Sci Fi series came around--and I just don't get the connection, either. What campy TV show depicts the annihilation of the human race (no doubt billions of souls) as well as a castmember or two as the series unfolds?

Campy my @ss!
The problem also extends from people using the word "camp" or "campy" without even knowing what the word defines.


1 : exaggerated effeminate mannerisms exhibited especially by homosexuals
2 : a homosexual displaying camp
3 : something so outrageously artificial, affected, inappropriate, or out-of-date as to be considered amusing
4 : something self-consciously exaggerated or theatrical

Galactica doesn't fit ANY of those definitions. There were no overt homosexual tones to the show... in fact, the show concentrated solely on hetrosexuality.

All science fiction trappings are artificial. All science fiction draws on the past to tell a future story. Is ALL science fiction campy? Strike two.

All television is exaggerated and theatrical. It has to be. Is all television camp? Strike three.

Reviewers and critics alike have used it to describe Galactica because they just didn't like the show. And so stretched this derogatory term to mean "tacky" or "poorly made".

You want camp? 1960's Batman was camp. And even THAT was beaten out by the batman movies by Schumacher.

"Campy" is an UNFAIR and LAZY assessment of Galactica. Period.

Liberal, Atheist, and just as Patriotic as you.
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