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Old May 10th, 2006, 12:49 PM   #11
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Planet Caprica: Monte Claire Radio Observatory.
1/9/48 0800

Delangelo sipped his coffee as he looked over the reports. Ross was sleeping at his desk, having not gone home last evening. Both men had agreed to keep 24-hour watch over the DRADIS as well as the intercept/decrypt gear. After the Cylon speech, things had been fairly quiet. The Cylons were indeed pulling the power plants out of the Basestars, just as they said.
“Ross…. Wake up, did you see this?” Delangelo was puzzling over a report that Cylon Faraday Modules were being rationed. It made sense in a basic way, since they had as much as admitted that they were low on solium, but it did not make sense to ration the Faraday gear.
“Hmmmm?” Ross said trying to wake up. “Oh, hi Dave. Yes sir, I saw that last thing last night. I'm not sure I would classify that as interesting.”
“I would. It fits a pattern. I was suspicious of that sudden recall of their Marauder class Basestars, and how they began to tear the Faraday Chambers out of them. Think about it Mark. What was the biggest problem with the Marauder?”
“They require more energy from the solium power plants than the Faraday chambers can dissipate, which makes them easy to track with DRADIS. Their power plants tend to saturate the Faraday chamber walls and make them useless, or moderately radioactive. They have been forced to either run at sixty percent power capacity, or risk easy detection. Yes, we know that… oh hell, you don’t think…”
“That they replaced those Faraday chambers with new ones under our very noses?”
“We need to warn the admiralty.” Ross said looking for the codebook, which held the command line code for Top Secret.
Just then, the board lit up with emergency calls on all levels of traffic.
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