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Old February 25th, 2003, 01:25 PM   #12
Great Honored Warrior (ret.)
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Originally posted by darkwing_duck1a
PLEASE, if you have real, verifyable news of something to give us hope that the remake may yet be done in, then TELL US. Tell us what is being said, and who is saying it. Give us sources. Otherwise, let us go back to watching the old eps and dreaming of what might have been.
If I give you sources, then I might condemn those folks to potential umemployment, for starters. Legal actions have been threatened against some folks, particularly last year. I've even heard the term "corporate espionage" bandied about for leaks. This isn't a game. I've made my case time and again for why I cannot -- and will not -- cite specific sources or actual specifics.

Fans want information; they feel entitled. I understand that. I'd feel frustrated as well when I see general/generic posts without the "meat" -- and I, as a bystanding fan, am asked to embrace it wholeheartedly. Frankly, I think I'd be resentful that information was being withheld. Like I said, though: This isn't a game. Careers are on the line; some people aren't playing fair behind the scenes; others are caught in the maelstrom.

Y'know, I still haven't cited who gave me the remake script last November, but all of you believed that I had it (and my review was testimony to it). I told that person I wouldn't divulge publicly who they were. And frankly I have NO reason to hide the person's identity, but I'm respecting our agreement.

Skip my posts if you want. In your position, I'd rather hear something than nothing. Rumors have an ugly way of becoming reality via speculation. At minimum, some of these scraps are hopefully preventing that.

No hard feelings,
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