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Old February 20th, 2006, 07:48 AM   #2
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The Solium connection

Date-Time 12/27/47 0345 Twelve days before Cylon Attack.

Unusual silence of Cylon radio traffic and lack of intelligence from Listening posts.

Virgonian Defense Forces placed in Alert Posture 2. Orders are issued from VDF high command Lt. General Rolf Gustaf.


The odd silence of Cylon radio traffic had caused me to believe that our intelligence lines are compromised and that the Cylons are not willing to deal with the Colonial Council honestly. Since that is the case, I have reason to believe that the peace accords are a rouse and that we should raise the Alert Level to a higher level in order to assure a proper response ability from the limited resources we have.
While I believe that the primary resources of the First and Sixth fleets are certainly capable of protecting the inner colonies, those of us in outer colonies are less than appropriately protected. To this end I have requested that at least two battle groups be tasked with the outer colony defenses. That request was made four months ago, to date, there has been no response, and so I must conclude that no action has been or will be taken.
The silence along the Cylon front, especially around the jump point to HPY-8715, which is the primary invasion point that any Cylon invasion force would certainly use, seems too convenient. I do not trust the Cylons, especially after the odd silence from the entire Fifth Fleet. Molokay may have served only to draw the Cylon attention away from the Moloks and onto us. Though there was success in defeating the Cylons years ago, I believe that the equipment and coordination of the Cylon war machine has far exceeded the preparations that we have made for system defense. Thus far we have been lucky to hold the Cylons to a line just outside of the colonies, but I believe this is only because the Cylons have been focused on the Moloks and not on us.
With the loss of four Battlestars, especially the Pegasus and the Bucephalus, I fear that the First and Sixth fleets are going to be unable to fend off a concerted effort by the Cylons to exploit the jump point. I have armed the defense satalites around Virgon with the new CDL-10 Laser weapons as well as the networking software developed to defend against invasion barges, however, since there have been no successful tests of this defense system, we are still heavily reliant on the system defense boats as well as the primary space platform Haven. I find it disturbing to rely on a space platform that is nearly six hundred years old. It’s a blessing from the Lords that the platform is still serviceable.


Balthazar turned in his command chair to face the Leaders he had chosen. “By Your Command…” they chimed in as one.
“Report!” he commanded.
“The resources required to lure in, and destroy the Colonial Fifth Fleet has drained the long term resources of the Cylon battle reserves far below the acceptable level. It is with much regret that we report that the reserves will be unable to keep up with the attrition levels that we are experiencing due to the war with the Moloks, as well as with a new front with the humans. To this end, your war council advises that we must find a way to destroy the humans. The Moloks cannot launch an offence against us for at least six months. There is a window of opportunity here that we can exploit. The humans still do not know the details of their Fifth Fleet’s destruction. There is a chance we can mislead them into believing that the Fifth smashed our fleets, and that we are willing to sue for peace. To this end we have contacted our agents within the Colonial command and are awaiting only your consent to begin the rouse.” The lead Commander reported.
“If this works, how long can we fight two fronts before the resources are beyond acceptable levels?” Balthazar quizzed.
“Six months would be a conservative estimate. Eleven months would be more realistic. Best estimate would be a year, maybe just over.” Lucifer advised. He was new to command, and eager to prove his value, but Balthazar didn’t trust him yet. Balthazar would learn.
“I will send word that we wish to sue for peace.” Balthazar told his aids. He didn’t have to inform them of his decision at this time, but he couldn’t afford to look indecisive with some of the new model command series Cylons under his command. They were eager and hungry for commands of their own. He had to show them a strong leader that planned faster than them, and was capable of thinking at high levels with all three brains that he possessed. “Dismissed.” He said loudly, showing them his ability to be the supreme leader of all Cylon forces.
Lucifer nodded and backed away the three steps that showed his respect, before turning to leave. To turn his back on Balthazar directly would have led to a summary execution. That sort of disrespect was often punished quickly, typically at the end of one of the Gold Centurion’s swords.
The leadership of all Cylon forces left the command room and began their journeys back to their respective commands.
Back in the command room, Balthazar looked at the holographic displays of his forces strengths and positions. Sixth months. Balthazar wasn’t thrilled with the estimate. Eleven months was better, and he hoped that the estimates were going to be more along the “realistic” level. If he could divert the supply lines from the Molok front to a massive attack on the colonies. He began to work the mathematics in one of his brains as he moved units into place in his hologram. He began to see how it COULD work. He would have to draw the colonial forces into position around Caprica. If they were outside the inner defense satellites, the Sentinels, they would be crushed. The Sentinels were small and hidden, highly effective and armed with anti-starship weapons and were capable of tearing an invasion fleet to pieces. To get past them, he would either have to lure the colonial fleets our from their safe harbors, or find a way inside them. Hiding a Basestar was no simple task, however. Balthazar began to consider what size ships were known to be able to slip past the Sentinels.
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