Thread: Serenity
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Old October 27th, 2005, 04:08 AM   #61
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I'm not saying TOS wouldn't have had a large viewing audience with more network selections. I'm just saying that it wouldn't have hit the numbers that it did. I love TOS, but I'm also a realist who is trained in film and television production, which inludes trends throughout television history (hated that segment of the course, too many numbers)

I agree with many more channels, BSG woudn't achieve 29-65 million viewership, but my point is that it would still dwarf the weekly viewership that nu/fake BSG has today. You talk as if they aren't cable shows on the air today that don't pull in high ratings. I believe MONK pulled in over 5 million weekly viewers. What is the next excuse? Science fiction/fantasy tv shows is a niche genre that can't achieve those numbers today? Fabrication! How do you explain the success of the STAR TREK continuation shows? They were successful, b/c they were good, just like real BSG. Are you gonna say the only reason original STAR TREK enjoyed ratings success back in the 60s/70s was b/c there were fewer channels? More fabrication. The fans demanded a continuation and they got what they wanted. Look at the success that was enjoyed when the studio listened to the fans. SFC could have replicated the same success, but instead of listening to the fans, they chose to spit in their face and be told "we know what is best for you." That is why their cheap imitation show, that I will not name, only gets 2 million viewership a week. Anything else is just a lame excuse for their arrogance and failure.

You compare Serenity to Star Trek and Star Wars. That's like comparing apples and bananas.

I never compared those two entities. I compared SFC's new imposter show to STAR TREK.

Star Trek:TMP because of name recognition. It started as a series that was pretty much abused by NBC and left in the gutter to die.

Yeah, sounds familiar. Btw, ST:TMP enjoyed name recognition b/c of the success of the original ST, b/c it was a good show. Not b/c people had no choice of what to watch back then, due to fewer channels... but b/c it was good.. just like original BSG was and still is. It's why they sold millions of dollars in BSG merchandising back then. How do you explain that part of their succcess? Did the studio force people to buy all the posters, toys, lunchboxes, comic books, etc? BSG has been in constant syndication since, even today, with more channels available to watch. We'll see if another show will be even picked up syndication after it goes off the air, which will probably be soon.

But it didn't, obviously. When it hit syndication in the 70's, it proved that the network weasels who massacred the budget for season 3 and then - thankfully - refused to finance season 4 (Spock's Brain? C'mon) Interest increased and so did the viewership, which prompted Paramount to produce Star Trek: Phase Two, a new series. But that got squashed right quickly even after sets were built and a cast was assembled. (sound familiar?)

Basically, you keep trying to rob real BSG of it's achievements and popularity, still to this day with the lame excuse of there being less channels to watch back then. Sorry, but that just doesn't fly. It wasn't true for BSG and it wasn't true for STAR TREK, which is very successful to this very day, b/c the original was and still is a great show.
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