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Old February 4th, 2003, 01:11 PM   #16
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Originally posted by Apothis
Yes the Cylons failed due to the capable leadership of Adama and Cain. But in Molokay, the Cylons were victorious. In the Hand of God, Adama speaks of a one one battle with a Basestar as suicide without having to protect the fleet. It was Apollo and Starbuck's boldness that save the day. Without it, the Galactica would have been destroyed by a sole Basestar according to Adama's view of the situation.
In Molecay, the Cylons were victorious, but we never knew how many baseships they had -- or how many battlestars the Colonials had.

Don't forget that when the Pegasus went to engage the 3 Cylon Basestars, Cain did not have a civilian fleet to protect. He successfully destroyed 2 Cylon Basestars with the help of Apollo and Starbuck taking out the missile launchers. Baltar escaped in the third basestar. What is inferred is that without Apollo and Starbuck attacking the missile launchers on the Basestars, this would have led to the Pegasus's destruction.
The Pegasus went to face the baseships without its viper squadrons. This was likely not standard practice before Cimtar. Furthermore, the Pegasus had been vigorously attacked by the Cylon fighters before it faced the baseships.

Regarding Gomoray, it was a Colonial victory but like Adama said, they can never hold the planet. It was at best a hit-and-run victory without any staggering consequences to the Cylon war machine. If Adama was foolish enough to try and hold Gomoray, it would have led to a Colonial annhilation.
Yes, because he had the civillian fleet to protect.

Only through bold actions and surprise were the Colonials able to destroy Basestars. Apparently, a Basestar could vanquish a Battlestar in a one-on-one duel and that is evident in the words of Adama and even Cain. Cain was defeated at Molokay and Cain's victories after Molokay were hit and runs. They were not offensives that led to recapture of planets or major to the Cylons. They were just pinpricks to the Cylon Empire.
This is just my interpretation, but I have always understood that the Fifth Fleet which was destroyed in Molecay was comprised of many more ships than the Pegasus (otherwise, how could it have escaped unnoticed?) When the battle was over, the Pegasus was left isolated from the colonies, with lack of fuel, possibly with structural damage and a reduced crew. And still she was able to survive off of the raids on Gomoray.
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