Thread: Glen's "Story"
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Old July 3rd, 2005, 12:01 PM   #18
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I would like to add my two cents to this. As much as anyone I too would like to see a continuation, in fact I would love to see a continuation. But I fear it will not happen.

Why? Simple it just isn’t in the cards. Way back in the beginning, when Galactica was being discussed, Star Wars was burning up the big screen, making tens of millions of dollars. If something like that could be brought to the small screen and big screen the potential for profit could be limitless, or so everyone thought. So Galactia was sliced and diced into small pieces, everyone associated with it wanted their share.

When Living Legend was written Glen cut a sweetheart deal, giving him full rights to that story. The studio felt Pegasus was a one shot deal and would not be seen again, so far they have been proven correct.

Now fast forward to today. Universal/NBC owns the TV, DVD, literary and Merchandising rights to Galactica, Glen owns the movie rights. If Glen were to do a movie he would need Universal/NBC’s permission to do it (it uses the Galactica universe), he could not show it on TV (with out paying Universal/NBC a hefty license fee) and most likely be unable to distribute it on DVD, unless he paid a hefty fee to Universal/NBC.

Now with Pegasus these restrictions do not exist with the exception of Universal/NBC owning the rights to the Galactia universe, Glen will still need to get their permission to do the film. But Universal/NBC or any other network would pay him for displaying the movie and he owns the merchandising rights.

So for Glen the money is in Pegasus, not Galactica.
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