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Old June 23rd, 2005, 03:19 PM   #109
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I have seen it at the cinema twice. A very good movie, and I agree with most reviews that it is the best prequel but not better than Empire Strikes Back.

I have several major gripes though......

Anakin bursting into flames was an unnessesary shot, especially since that was one of the main causes it got a 12A (or 13 rating in America) It could easily have been missed out with the film loosing anything....

Anakin going over to the dark side. He was saying he did a bad thing, and just seemed to accept he was there....a bad guy.... Surely a little more would have gone into decision....

I would loves to have seen the Falcon taking Obi-Wan and Luke to Tatooine....then they leave on the same ship, thus coming full circle....I REALLY hope that is a deleted scene. (for inclusion on DVD)

A few of the scenes seemed forced slightly, I think it was a great film, but if he had shown it unfinished to more people, and listened to their feedback, it could have made for a stronger end product....
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