Thread: It was fun
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Old June 18th, 2005, 02:41 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by kingfish
Thanks for all of the kind responses. I have been to hell and back. I am suffering from mass depression and anxiety disorder.

Take care man. I know what you are going thru, I too suffer from mass depression and high anxiety disorder. Sometimes there will be the urge to do 'something', because you see no way out. Try not to give into that 'urge'.

I have come close to giving in to those 'urges' of suicide. It took close friends, time to think, and many times a tv show/book or something else to bring me back from that fearful edge.

It will never go away, that depression and anxiety, you just have to find something, anything(except drugs) to bring you back. To give you hope to live on that extra minute, hour, day, week, or month(however long it may take) until the feeling of depression and anxiety leaves you and you can operate normally. For me, it was as I said, friends, time, a story to which I can escape, and now a nephew(6 Months Old) that I wish to live for and see grown into a man. Maybe, even have some of my own.

I hope you have found yours my friend, and I hope you can continue to find it for many years to come.

With Utmost Respect,

Dragon Lord Tibbetts
"Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
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