Thread: Special prayers
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Old June 1st, 2005, 06:53 AM   #13
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my son was 26 weeks and they gave him almost no chance this was in has improved so much(I have a friend who had premie twins just 3 years later, and they had less problems)My son overcame so much......he had every complication you could have. He had so many complications, that when his intinsine burst and they needed to do emergency surgery to save his life............the doctor asked me if I even wanted them to operate(or just let him die)I told him he did need to operate, I had to give him that chance and then I went to my son and said if you need to go I will let you and understand but I am taking this chance for you. Well he did live and he is a fighter and after that I saw if he wasn't gonna give up neither would I. The doctors thought he would never walk or talk(I didn't believe them-well, I treated Chris like I didn't believe it)
He is now almost 13 and does walk(with a slight limp) and two time school spelling bee champion and reads at adult level, I say all this because it is healing for me, but because you can never give up hope(or for me faith)My son has his challenges, everyone does really......but he is the most loving and sensitive person I have ever known. I pray that the babies will be safe and healthy.
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