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Old May 22nd, 2005, 04:28 PM   #44
Shuttle Pilot
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Posts: 6


14th and Julix- Thanx for the welcome, much appreciated.

I heard about a Falcon appearing in the film, but have no idea where. I can only guess that it was during the opning space sequence. There's no way I'll see that until the DVD comes out. I did wind up seeing the Tie-fighter/X-wing bit in AOTC, but only upon very close DVD inspection.

As far as young kids go, when I was down visiting my friend Vince in South Carolina during the premiere, we took his 5 year old son to the film and he loved it. I simply believe that anything too grown-up went right over his head, and for the graphic images, they probably left his mind as quickly as the entered it. That said, it certainly earned it's PG-13.
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