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Old May 21st, 2005, 12:12 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Sci-Fi
The fight scenes and fx was great, but did the movie rely on it too much?

I found it interesting that Palpatine told the Sith story about Darth Plagueis(sp?) and how he used the powers of the dark side, maybe more for good. It almost made the Sith seem to be practicing powers that the Jedi considered unnatural and fueled by passion rather than being true evil. Palpatine seemed to be the apprentice that killed Darth Plagueis(sp?) in his sleep after learning everything and then used those powers to gain absolute political power and for evil purposes. Quite a contradiction from the previous movies where the Sith represented pure evil and the dark side could not be used for good.

Lucas would have to do another movie to explain Darth Vader/Anakin's conversion to true evil besides just hate and betrayal. He did end up killing Padme, if not directly and why didn't he see even the Sith couldn't prevent her death? And why he did not try to obtain/use/learn all the powers of the dark force. Or maybe he wanted to leave Darth Vader seen as a conflicted character so his redemption in episode 6 would make more sense than just a father saving his son. Could Palpatine have intentionally withheld teaching him everything since he did say Anakin was more even powerful than he was. Why would the Sith be more afraid of losing their powers?

General Grievous, to me, seemed too easy to defeat by just one Jedi...using a blaster no less after opening up his armor by hand.

Plenty of questions asked and plotholes discussed at the Star Wars forum.

Once Again, You've Given Us Something to Think About... However Might I Suggest for Anyone Wishing to Find More Info on the Sith,Try to Locate & Read Dark Horse Comics Epic: TALES OF THE JEDI ... Miniseries/Graphic Novels... they Go Into Far Greater Detail with Explaination of Who/What the Sith Were.

Learn the True Orgins of the Sith... How they Discovered the Old Republic... How they Waged War Amongst Themselves, and Finally... How They Came Forth During a Dark Time for the Old Republic: The SITH WARS ... With the Threat to Conquer the Very Galaxy... (Enough to Give Any Star Wars Fan Something to Think About) And BTW... Dark Horse is Part of The Official Star Wars Universe... Got Total Bleaasing From Lucas...

May The FORCE Be With You...

Jay :
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