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Old May 14th, 2005, 04:02 AM   #7
Colonial Story Teller
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Location: New Orleans (Metairie), LA
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Big Grin

Originally Posted by Muffit
Hello friend Martok! So good to see ya!

Btw, I finally discovered where you got the title for your new story. I was trying to find a vintage Betty Crocker cookbook, but could only find an Asian version of quick recipes on EBay of Laos:

Recipes (with) Velocity (I think the "L" and "R" got switched)
= Recip-rocity...

Ugggghhh.. bet you're all glad I went away...

The Fleets without you for one day is like a year of days without the sun. I am so glad you are back, dearest friend. The joke was indeed funny.

As for the title of the story....busted. Asian embassies were breathing down my neck about that one. (j/k)

In all seriousness, where I did get the title from was from the movie "Clear and Present Danger". There was a mission in there called "Operation: Reciprocity". I thought Reciprocity sounded good for the sequel story, considering what is going to happen. MUA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

I have big plans for the story that are going to put several major characters through living hell. This story will make Dark Exodus look like a whimsical fantasy.

Respectfully, and grateful for everyone's patience in this matter,
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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