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Old May 5th, 2005, 02:35 PM   #24
Great Wise Guru
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Life's funny that way.

Since I reached middle age I hardly ever speak live with either of my parents - of course, Dad's mostly deaf now so it makes telephone conversations difficult - but Mom sends e-mails frequently, and has yet to forget my birthday (even if she does occassionally wait until the next day or two to call...). But the minimum I do is send a card for birthdays, mother's day, etc. Haven't missed one yet. My own anniversary, yes - her's or mother's day? Heaven forbid....

My youngest brother also got more of her time - he's the youngest, her last, and she does like to feel needed, in a tough-love kind of way. The fear of becoming useless - particularly if you've spent 20 years or more of nurturing - is perfectly normal. It's easier said than done to cast your offspring out into the world to fend for themselves. Many youngest children face that situation, and if they give in to the path of least resistance....

Remember - you cannot choose your biological family. But you can choose your friends - or an extended family like Fleets.

Hi, lil sis.

Edit: sropi, it sounds like your mother is a saint of a woman. Lucky for you.

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