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Old March 25th, 2005, 03:51 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
I can't believe that Hollyweird took the classic film "Guess who's coming to dinner" and turned it from a drama to a comedy! Sidney Poitier was in the film and turned out a very good performance. Why mess with such a good classic film and turn it to something that will probably bomb?

I just saw the ad in the movie section of the paper today.... I'll never go see this! I loved the original film with Heburn, Tracy and Poitier. It's one of my favorite films from the late 60's.

As for the "creativity died" comment - I'm not so sure that it's died, it's just that Hollywood has lost it's focus. They've forgotten that the entertainment industry is about art and creativity, while making money at the same time. What's happened is that now, they focus on the making money. Art and creativity have taken a back seat (more like stowed in the trunk). Hollywood is out for a "sure thing" and doesn't know how to take chances anymore.

It's a very sad thing to happen, but at least there's almost 70 years of the good stuff before it all turned to crap...

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