Thread: Anime debate
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Old March 20th, 2005, 05:18 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Dawg
Yes. Back to the anime discussion, since that is the topic of this thread.

Thanks for posting that Blue Gender link, Mustex; I hadn't seen that. I watched the trailer with some interest.

I also agree with Titon, that computer animation can work wonders. I think the SFX we're seeing are a testiment to that. I remember as I was watching LOTR forgetting that Gollum was animated (over the movements of an actual actor, yes, but animated nonetheless). And of course it's now giving physical model-based SFX a run for its money.

But Blue Gender is a cartoon, however sophisiticated it might be. There is no mistaking it for anything but a cartoon. Its roots are in hand-drawn animation - Speed Racer and Mickey Mouse - and those roots are plainly evident.

Give us CGI of the level of Gollum, though, where you can't be entirely sure if it's a live actor or an animated one, coupled with Zoic-level SFX, and I'll support an anime BSG whole-heartedly. But until we reach that level of sophistication, I do not believe anime is an appropriate medium.

(FWIW, I didn't particularly like the ST animated show, either.)

I am
As for CGI, there's another option involving that. Most purely CGI animation looks cheesier than hand-drawn (or at least I think so, the exception is maybe Shrek and other major motion pictures, but weekly series like Max Steel and Action Man look dumb and choppy), however the Japanese starting using CGI to do spaceships and mechas, while still doing characters and backgrouds by hand. For a while this led to a sharp contrast that was annoying (see Blue Submarine No. 6), but new techniques were created for Zoids, which allowed the two to be integrated flawlessly.

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