Thread: Anime debate
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Old March 18th, 2005, 08:48 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by nextceo
I thought Zoic was still doing FX for TNS? Last I heard they were as noted in RDM's last Blog:

"Are you still working with Zoic for design work?"

RDM: Absofrakkinglutely

I haven't noticed a drop in quality at all, particularly in eps 10, 12 & 13....
I've noticed them pacing things faster, the viper flight over the asteroid wasn't as tight as the Zoic done stuff, something in the asteriod's texture was less detailed for one, the conveyor tunnel structure not quite as solid feeling. The closeups of the Cylon base shown too quickly to take in detail. I think it's not as noticeable to the non-pro eye just because of the editing being so choppy. (I don't see it as much myself, only hints that make me wonder). They can get away with blurred, lower detail imagery because you barely get a chance to take in a scene. Less detail=less render time=cheaper effects at lower quality. (My pet peeve about the effects is I want more time to take them in.)

Also, they can still be "working with" Zoic, but have bugetarily forced Zoic to subcontract or work in only a supervisory role to a cheaper Canadian vendor. Zoic is still involved, but it's not really Zoic's work entirely.

I'm with Titon on animation not being a bad way to go for a continuation. It's growing in popularity. Movies like Robots are merging comedy with a bit of Sci-fi/fantasy. BG could be a bridge that blows open all sorts of possibilities for mainstream Sci-Fi. Use the benefit of seeing how the Japanese have turned it into an adult medium, with character development and use the mind blowing level that CG effects can bring to an action sequence. I would want it to be like appleseed and not hand-drawn. Very little is hand-drawn these days anyway.
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